Cybersecurity is a new dimension for the automotive industry. With our daily work as a consultancy as well as with the continuously growing educational offers of the CYRES Academy, we have a profound insight into what organizations, development projects and individuals are dealing with.

Although the first officially published standards in particular, as well as issued regulations, are creating initial guardrails and standardizing initial obligations, perceptions about the overall scope of automotive cybersecurity remain heterogeneous.

In this webcast, we attempt to provide an initial general overview.

Recorded in our live training studios at Highlight Towers, Munich. Speaking to you is one of our Functional Safety and Cybersecurity Consultants.

>> Watch full recording (55 minutes) online after sign up.

This free info webcast is intended to give a small preview of our three-hour training offering on cybersecurity in the automotive industry, which we have developed exclusively for decision-makers and executives in the automotive industry and have already conducted several times in front of some of the automotive industry's most important global players. Learn more here: "Fundamental Principles of Automotive Cybersecurity for Executives and Managers"

Course plan

The 7 Most Critical Threats in Automotive Cybersecurity [Video-Recording]