After you have understood what cybersecurity controls are, their purpose, and the different selection approaches, you can now dive into cybersecurity controls with relevance to the automotive ecosystem. In this video course “Automotive Cybersecurity Controls”, you will understand where and how cybersecurity controls can be applied particularly in the three key dimensions of the automotive ecosystem.

We will start by briefly explaining what the three key dimensions of the ecosystem are and how cybersecurity controls are relevant and can be applied to them. First, we’ll begin with the first dimension the product line security. Once cybersecurity deficiencies in vehicle production is understood, we will clarify what measures or controls can be relevant in this case.

Secondly, we further explain the other two dimensions starting with the backend security, where we clarify what backend is first and then show you what relevant controls can be applied to this dimension. Finally, we will look at what areas of application of the vehicle/product security dimension and how they are relevant.

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G6_3 Automotive Cybersecurity Controls